Wednesday, November 17, 2010

aiad 11/16/10

Project photo number 16. I have lots of odd stuff in my basement that was left by the previous home owners. The old guy that used to lived here had a small wood working area down there. When he and his wife moved out, I inherited most of the more useless tidbits. The majority of the items are pretty old and possibly worthless, but they can be interesting to look at. For example check out this old container of Boraxo powdered hand soap. After a quick Google search, it appears this tin container and the soap in it could be 60 years old. Kind of neat, I thought.

11/16/10 phs

I also want to mention the lighting in this shot. I used the same lighting set up for this shot, but scaled it down and controlled it a little better. Which is very cool to me. Part of my reasoning for doing this project was to learn new things and develop better techniques. To me this images is an example of accomplishing both. Stoked!

check out the rest of the series at