Saturday, November 13, 2010

aiad 11/12/10 (plus outtakes)

Project photo number 12.

11/12/10 - just dande
During the ten minutes I was laying on the ground shooting this lone dandelion, I ended up with a few different images happening . I played with a few angles and tried to accomplish a few different affects with the existing light and a small bounce card. In doing so I ended up with a few different images that I liked. The last image I shot was the one I put the most effort into, so it was chosen as my image of the day. But I had several others that worked and that I liked also. I've had this happen a couple of times so far, so I decided to make an aiad-outtake gallery. I'll try and update this gallery a little as I go.

11/12/10 - happy accident

11/12/10 - dande lens flair

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