Thursday, December 2, 2010

aiad reflection

Here it is, the second day of December, two days after a month long "an image a day" project and I have to say it. It felt weird not taking a photo yesterday. It was also a bit of a relief though. Finding time to create an idea, set up a shot and execute it during my already busy schedule was difficult sometimes. Some of the images came easily and some not so much. The quick ones took thirty minutes or so to shoot, process and make a blog post about them. Then there were some that ended up taking closer to two hours to get through the whole process. That's a lot of time spent chasing an image, but I really enjoyed doing it.

I learned a few things along the way too, which was part of the reason I wanted to do the project. I had a couple eureka moments with lighting and delved further into post-processing software/methods. I also spent a lot of time thinking about photography. I had several photo ideas come to mind that would take much more effort than what I could cram into two hours. Soooo I have almost convinced myself to do a 52 week project for 2011, which would mean shooting one image a week for the year. I think I could produce a "better" image given a week's time to stroll through the creative process.

I'm pretty stoked on every image from the series, but
here are some of my favorites from the month:

11/08/10 - strummin'
(It's my boy doing what he does... I like that.)

11/10/10 - it's getting dark too early
(I never shoot landscapes.)

11/19/10 mike and das boot
(Mike just looks pimp!)

11/24/10 headed to mellow(Maybe I played too much in high school... I don't know.)

Here's another for the outtake gallery.
I'm pretty sure there are a few more that will end up there.

11/28/10 - CT Kitteh

see the rest from the month long project at and a others at