Tuesday, June 29, 2010

photo booth

So a while ago, I started playing around with a "photo booth" idea. My wife and I spend a good bit of time hanging out around the house with friends. So I thought it would be cool/fun to have a "photo booth" set up sometime when we had company over. So I tried it out one night and we had a ton of fun, so we did it on two other occasions.

The Idea:
Set up the Booth
Instruct the guest on how to use the equipment
Create fun, silly no pressure photos

The Booth:
Camera on a tripod, with a remote, set on a 5 second delay
Some reference points for depth of field ("x" on the floor)
Simple solid background
Simple lighting set up
Simple instructions: Have fun!

The Photo:
After capture, I cropped the images and made most of them black and white. Nothing fancy, just a quick and dirty edit.

I really like how many of the images turned out.
Check out about 40 more images
from the this photo exercise here ---> kinetic-images.com